
sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Types of parragraph

Publicado por Unknown en 18:58

Sensory details (Descriptive):
Spring is my favorite season of the year by far, because I can feel the warmth of the sun, smell the fresh air, see the green grass with the colorful flowers that are just growing up, the birds star chirping, and people look so happy and less depressed. Also, we all start to wear more colorful clothes. Girls wear skirts, dresses and sandals, things that make us look more girly.  The only thing that I don’t like about this season, are the butterflies, I hate them, and I’m not quite sure why.Maybe it's because I hate insects.  Although the time is peaceful and relaxing, spring comes and goes like the birds that fly across the winter sky.

Using examples (argumentative):
People say that spring is for couples, because you can see them sitting at the square, kissing each other and also holding hands. But I think spring is more than that, you can do many things, for example: going out with your friends; going to the cinema, to the mall , etc, but the weather is more appropriate to take a walk in the beach, because is refreshing and it’s not too hot.

An incident (Narrative):
Spring is my favorite season of the year, just because it reminds my nephew’s birth. He was born on September, 20th. It was a normal Tuesday, I arrived from school at 2.00 pm, I ate my lunch, and when I was getting ready to study, my sister came into my room, almost crying, and she said, “Dwan, I need you to come with me to the hospital. I’m having the baby”. I was shocked; I didn’t know what to do! I was only twelve years old, and we were alone in the house. She called our parents, they came to the house immediately and we went to the hospital.  It was midnight when my first nephew came to this world. It felt incredible to see him for the first time. So, that’s why spring is my favorite season of the year.

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