
jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

The Black Hole

Publicado por Unknown en 11:05

Another boring day in the office. Paul was working in his cubicle, just as his co-workers. He hated his job. All the rumors, the noises, and, specially, he hated his boss. He was mean, he always gave him extra work, so that's why Paul is usually the last person who leaves the office.

The hours passed, and his co-workers started to leave. He stood up and walked to the copy machine to start his night-work.
Two hours later, he was in front of the machine, drinking his fifth cup of coffee, and waiting fot the last copy to come out. But then, something strange happened. The sheet that he was waiting for, had printed a black hole on it. He wasn't photocopying black holes. He thought that maybe there was something wrong with the machine, so he checked and everything was fine. 
He left the sheet aside, and put over it his cup. But something felt strange.
He looked at the sheet, curious. Did the cup just disappear through the hole?. He started to examine the sheet, and he tried to pass his hand through the hole. He did it, and he also recovered his cup.
Amazed, the man walked to the candy machine, put the sheet against it, his hand passed the hole, and he pulled out a candy.
While he was eating his snickers, he thought, "what else can I do with this?. He stood there, in the middle of the office, scanning the place, and then, he saw it. The manager's office, here all the money was kept.
He walked quickly towards it, put the sheet a stick to the strongbox, and started to pull out money.
He was excited, all the money just for him. 
After minutes, he got like one millions of dollars, but he wanted more.
His arm couldn't reach more mone, and without noticing, he was half -body inside the strongbox.
Finally, all his body was inside the box, and the tape that was holding the sheet, unglued and the hole fell down, leaving Paul and his ambition, trapped inside the safetybox.
Hours later, the manager and the boss were surprised to found money on the floor of the office. They openned the box, and they found Paul sleeping inside it. 
No one believed him when he tried to explain what happened.


I think this was my favorite parragraph, I was really excited while writing it. When I saw the video, the idea just came up to my mind, and then I couldn't stop writing. Even though, in the first draft I forgot to write an appropriate ending. All I can about this text, is that I think that I improve a lot with the punctuation. 

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