
sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

My best friend

Publicado por Unknown en 20:17

Conni is my best friend. She's young, cute ,she is medium height,average built and has a round face. Her hair es long, wavy , and black, but she used to have it red. She has brown eyes, and long eyelashes. Her lips are thin, and her skin is tan. Everytime she smiles,wrinkles appear in the corner of her eyes , and often wear darkly colored clothes. Conni is around twenty.

Constanza, that's her name, is very nice and kind,she's always in a good mood and likes to help people. Even though Conni is very friendly, and sometimes outgoing, she usually doesn't talk about her problems, and that kind of stuff. I find her very honest; she always says what she thinks.My best friend  loves animals,specially dogs, she has an obsession with them. Conni is also very smart; she studies law and has really good grades. My friend likes to read books,watch movies, and listening to music. She doesn't like sports and hates people who say things about topics that they don't know, and they end up saying things that sound illogical.


Well, in these paragraphs I think I improve a little, especially in the second one. I'm going to admit that I had never paid attention to my friend, I mean, like her hair, dimples, lips, etc, so it was really hard to write this text. Apart from that, I think I did a good job, but I need to use more connectors and less commas and periods.

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